No RAF Station could work without the many personnel who made up the complement, from the Station Commander to all who served in whatever department or trade they served in. I've tried to caption each photo, but it is far beyond me to name names in these photos, they served and I will try and Keep the Spirit Alive.
Thank you each and everyone for your service to Great Britain in War and Peace
Thank you each and everyone for your service to Great Britain in War and Peace
The photos taken below were in the Kestrel Club, formally the NAAFI to older members. Most Stations had three clubs (others more) The NAAFI for junior ranks, corporals and below; the Sergeants Mess (on some Stations unkindly called The Old Folks' Home) for ranks of sergeant and above; and the Officers' Mess. If they become available I'll try and add some photos, although there is one Officers' Mess photo above.
These photos below, were taken by me on the 25 September 2014. We were kindly given permission to tour the building by Jason Hawkins and his team from FW Properties. The club was being given a little TLC ahead of the Memorial unveiling the next day. I believe the building is ear-marked for future restoration as a pub, restaurant for local use.
Photos 1 & 2 NAAFI Manager's quarters; 3 One time single persons shop, you could buy, sandwiches, books, snacks, trinkets, soft drinks, I bought my first Seiko from here; it looks like it was used later for child care, judging by the height of the clothes hooks; 4 & 5 Snooker room, many happy hours spent here; 6 Ladies powder room; 7 passage to snooker room, to the left was the TV rooms, BBC1 BBC2 and ITV - imagine three channels only today!; 8 & 9 Lounge bar, entertainment of many varieties usually on a weekend; 10 11 & 12 Bar, usually known as the "Pigs Bar" open most days. It's ironic that we were locked in a bar with no beer after FW left for lunch, had to ring for help!
The last three photos are via Dom Eaves, Sergeants Mess, I'm guessing Dom is bottom right